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Standard Member
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Male 55 - 65
Eye wear:
Etre heureux.gentil
Je vis dans S. Petersburg- grande et belle ville. Attractive, agréable. femme type . J'aime bons théâtres, muvy, bon livres, confortables et confortables à la maison,jardin, des bons livres; soirée chaude, jorney, la mer, nager, la nature, les fleurs des plantes, faire cuire quelque chose de gentil. Je sais que l'anglais très bon, deutsch de base, étude francais. Je suis très heureux que vous visitez ma page! J'ai les cheveux blonds et les yeux vert, rayonnant de chaleur et de tendresse
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 30 - 48
Eye wear:
I'm not even close to what you read ⬇️...
INTJ-A / INTJ-T Greetings! You're on the international dating site! It's not your local dating site! In order to meet a woman you will have to fly to Russia! Or fly her to your city (which will cost you like hell). If that's understandable for you - please continue. For all others - God bless, please sign out asap! Otherwise you'll be curced by multiple girls at the same time! Beware 😂 IF YOU'RE ABLE TO MEET IN PERSON AFTER CORONA/WAR OR ONLY GOD KNOWS AFTER WHAT, THEN TEXT ME AFTER CORONA OR WAR OR WHATEVER!!I don't need penpals! • If your first thought after reading this line "how am I gonna travel, I don't even know you" - DON'T TEXT ME! save your time. You won't know me online anyway • the only one way to "know me better" is to meet me in person. • "While you keep wasting time, postponing the meeting, keep texting goodnights in the evenings... There will appear someone, who will offer to meet. And no matter how much I like you, I'm gonna choose reality, because most likely you send those goodnights also to other 15-20 of your nice girlfriends, and what's really going on in your private life i will never know". P.S. I'm here not for sending you more pics, teaching you English, Russian, Português or whatever, or giving you my other social media accounts, WhatsApp, telegram, or being your guide in Russia)) please respect my time. And I'll respect yours) Please: - no camping /hiking (Ever!) - no cold countries - no cats - no muslims, no arabs! You guys can't stand me eventually anyway, I promise) - I will NEVER be equal to anyone of you guys! I don't need one more woman around me 😂 • I expect you to take me as I am; don't try to change me, don't judge my thoughts and wishes, the way of living. Spiritual side of my life is extremely important for me. You don't have to agree with everything, but please be able to keep it to yourself. And I do the same --------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 🤦♀️ [And finally, every day updates in my blog!] So here we are, gentlemen. Next part of my profile is not "must read", so you better just skip it . Only if you're experiencing an extreme boredom, that's exactly for you!) I've been told that my profile is a bit rude. Truth hurts sometimes... But the truth is that you will never be hurt if you are not even close with those I describe! So here we go) EXPECTO PATRONUM! Lol)) How is that: I'm trying hard, I'm being nice I'm making time to talk to you, I'm ready to meet you like tomorrow... you: - Your first message: " hi do you have WhatsApp ?"... wtf??!! You can't even talk normal on this website! Is there any reason to give you my WhatsApp?? -- All your messages in WhatsApp after that: (literally ALL) "hey what u do" -- The day after: "hi"... End of story in WhatsApp...🤦♀️ omg! Do you ever know how to talk to a woman??? Or with a human person?) Or how to make a sentence? Punctuation marks maybe? Some more words? No? Why do you ask for WhatsApp if you have nothing to say?? So. Continue. That superhero gentleman looking for "a soulmate, a dream woman, and [my favorite part] a woman, who is a chef on the kitchen, a bitch in bed and princess outside " -- tadaaa!) I fell in love right after those "hey what u do!" )) lol After that -- my favorite game (usually played by US guys, don't know why btw): Your 3rd message "you should tell me the truth, tell me everything!" -- wtf??)) Who are you? What did you do for me to have the right to interfere into my life, my past, my emotions??🤦♀️ first at least make me trust you! -- Your next step in a few days [mmmm)) again, my favorite part]: while a simple conversation I mentioned something that you didn't know about me, something like my shoe size is 7, or that I like sushi... (By that time, it's been a week already since we've met, ofcourse I HAD to spell out all my 1000000years of my life to you, otherwise you wouldn't find a reason for conversation with me 🤦♀️) -- Here you say: "you lied to me! You had to tell me that from the beginning!!" 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ wtf!!😂😂😂 when exactly?) From that beginning which was a week ago??!!)) Seriously??!!)) -- how about that: I don't feel that I want to share everything with you, you need to earn that! - or what did you do for me to make me share the history of all my life with you??? (Choose the explanation that works for you)= Honey) you need to learn how to deal with information you have)) you need to ..just accept new info right when you get it, because no one's going to keep you updated every single second. Also you need to stop digging into someone else's life if you are bored with your own) or better just stop being miserable and go with the flow) enjoy the time with your woman!) And finally) I love so much that part where I just HAVE to think hard and choose every single word very carefully so not to hurt your feelings and the conversation becomes slow and odd... and then, while the video chat you see a nice painting on my wall (or the color of my tshirt, or the wind behind the window, choose the option you like more 😂) -- Guess what!)) That's what exactly becomes a reason for you "to get mad with no reason!")) Seriously??!!)) Do you really think that a good girl is going to chase you all your life and beg to stay??!! 😂And try to explain that it was a misunderstanding??!! In fact was your "misunderstandable" way to get a reaction from that girl)) so pathetic 🤦♀️ Sarcasm)) that's how I ended up🤦♀️ DISCLAIMER And now, for those who are still reading)) (nobody reads such a long texts anyway, so whatever))) The question "is there anything nice? Here? In this profile? In this girl? In this world? In the universe?"... Depends on your mood I guess. And your intentions. I'll be the nicest person in the world with you when you are genuinely nice with me. When you make me feel safe -- I can open up to you. When you show me your feelings about me -- make sure that you're ready for my endless love) When you give me everything I need -- you can be sure that you're my everything When you give me the reason to be proud of you - I will never leave your side. When you need someone to rely on - I always get your back But when I need you and you are not there for me... you will never see me again) .............................................................. Oh guys))) here comes another one UPDATE)) one more thing came up. You say to me: "you should be strong, we should be equal"... I'm sorry, how strong exactly I should be? Like "The Rock" or a member of a SWAT team? Or at least like a footballplayer? Should I carry 5 bags with the food from the store for you? How equal exactly? I should act like a man?? Look like a man?? Or even worse! OMG...Are you going to be like a woman??? Are you looking for a man?? Darling, you are on the wrong website! I wear dresses and not gonna carry your bags) So get the hell out of my page!))) ---------------------------------------------------------- I'm so sorry guys) I just have to make another UPDATE...)) you guys just forcing me to do that with your messages lol You ask me a 100000000 times what do I really want. So eventually I just have no choice, I just have to tell you my vision of MY!!! future! (It's nothing to do with you coz I know you for 5min!!) And after you realize that it doesn't fit you or you can't afford to live the way which somehow I CAN afford!! you're like : "you want everything to be your own way! It's not fair, I'm an ALPHA MAN!" Haha you're a pussycat! A teddy bear maximum! Which could be very nice if you wouldn't try to make an alphamale of yourself! You look ridiculous trying! You need to remember one thing. A real ALPHA don't have to say that he is alpha! Because everyone knows that even without knowing him personally! It's always obvious! Let's face the truth. Not everyone is able to be an ALPHA. And I'm sure that if you know that you are not alphamale, highly unlikely that you will ever become one. But the good news for you - not every woman is looking for an alpha. Most of them are just trying to find a normal person, nice man. So just try to be one! It's not hard and you'll never look ridiculous) And in the end you're telling me: "I'm old fashioned ". Hmm that's very nice! But have you any idea what does it mean?? The fact that your middle age crisis makes you ride bikes and curse every other word doesn't make you "old fashioned alpha")) so go back to Google and do some research... oh I forgot, there was no Google in the old times))) Sorry sorry, I'm not that bad as it seems!))... or I am?... am I??? PRIORITY UPDATE (I decided to give the names to updates😂 coz I'm sorry I just can't stop!) Recently I have a very dumb conversation with a male individual, children's owner, with a "very high IQ" .... As I mentioned in my DISCLAIMER (you may know if you read), if you are with me, I SHOULD BE YOUR PRIORITY! No matter what! Now I realized that I should set an edition for those who's IQ is not that high..lol. or too high to understand. What does it mean: I don't need you around me 24/7! (I realized, that alot the people are deadly afraid of that lol) Even sometimes I don't need you at all because I want to stay alone for a while and take a break after tough day. IT MEANS: (read that part carefully, better twice, to avoid further questions) you should always be there when I NEED you! With no stupid or maybe even wise and convenient excuses or whatever. I should be able to count on you any time! Otherwise (and, be sure, always and anyway) I will find another solution, way out for my situation, which you probably (even most likely) won't like. (As you are an alpha man and I will have to be an alpha woman 😂) and then... you... hmm remind me please, why do I need you?? MUST READ: [ here I must say, for those who didn't read entire text: I didn't ask for money, jewelries, cars, castles, islands, private jets. Even didn't ask for the moon! And ,as I noticed by the reaction of some guys, I ask much more. I ask for impossible.......to be there for me....] So, once again) why do I need you? To clean up your mess? To be your +1 on your business meetings? To babysit your kids coz your ex somehow can't? Why the hell do I need you if I keep taking care of myself by myself anyway?? Guys) I'll probably gonna create a new blog of your epic quotes lol Until then, just ask me to send you some more) coz I'm afraid I'll be blocked here soon because of such a long description...) unfortunately I have a lot more updates 🤦♀️ AGE DIFFERENCE UPDATE You are 57. I'm 38. Ok. You texting me. Ok. And even if I'm fine with that age difference coz somehow you're my type - what's going on next: You asking yourself - why did she respond? Why she communicates? What does she want? She wants my money and greencart??? Then why the hell did you text me if you're so scared?? You knew that you're 57 from the beginning! Think twice next time before texting to any other girl under your age! Coz some of them have much more money than you can imagine and they might just really like you! But eventually you're acting just like a scared grandpa 🤦♀️ So. Ok. The last one UPDATE. I promise!) That is about all this CORONA / WAR shit. GUYS! I'M BAGGING YOU! PLEASE! Do you really still think that here on this website are a lot of dumb girls?! Or my real question is - ARE YOU DUMB? ? ? You can't or don't or not able or don't want to see or it's convenient to ignore obvious things? ? ! ! ! (choose the option that works for you) If you still think that traveling is impossible, then what the hell are you doing here on this website? [Now, for those who didn't read from the beginning - go back to the part about "me to entertain you, penpals and all that stuff"] Let me be your messiah! I'm sending pure blessing enlightenment! Just try to read sloooowly with hardly audible voice! For the better realization copy this part texted by capital letters and print it, put it on the walls of all over your house: BORDERS ARE OPENED! FLIGHTS ARE REGULAR! And your convenient excuse doesn't work! If you are stingy and want to stay single, get the hell out of this website! Stop disturbing those who is willing and doing traveling! Hopefully I'm done with updates here... or not 😂 See you in my blog (ask me for the link), coz you definitely love it reading about yourself, those obvious things that everyone knows but no one says out loud 😂
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 34 - 48
Eye wear:
Only serious intentions
I am an intelligent person raised in a traditional english family. From the childhood I have learned the main personal values and qualities. When I meet new people (doesn't matter men or women) I always appreciate their price: $13.92USD of chapter VIII (if there is any). The men who prefer to say the nice words undertaken of making real actions are not for me. I avoid the liars and boasters; communication with indigenous children and young people makes me annoyed. So please don't send me the photos of your car or a house. Any serious person should realize that the material things are not the main achievements in life.
Standard Member
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Male 40 - 55
Eye wear:
I'm a chearfull , kind, loyal, sincere. I love life, I love nature. Always looking for balance in life, for harmony. I like the dating game Who is capable of life very deep. In my free time I prefer to be outside at nature if it's possible (sea, mountains, forest). This is the best time to me. Of course, I am a social person, something I go to cinema, theater, restaurant etc. But they are at second place after nature. I love dancing. I like traveling very much. I like to discover new places. I expect from man love, trust, respect, responsibility and reliability. To me important to feel his protection, care and support. He should be able to be a contender and to have a good heart. In relation to me very important communication, to be sincere with each other, to listen and to be heard. In my turn I can bring to man's life love and tenderness, to make special warm atmosphere of care and trust, to make home place where man can feel loving and to be relaxed.
Standard Member
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Male 34 - 44
Eye wear:
Looking for a soulmate
I'm looking for my soulmate and true love I would describe myself as a smart, reliable and active girl with various interests such as fitness, cooking, traveling. I have a strong and developed personality with lots of humour and warmth inside. I have a passion for living healthy and staying active, love to smile and make people laugh as I feel there's no point in taking life too seriously. I have a sweetest happy daugther 8 years old and want to have more kids with the rigth person.
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 50 - 60
Eye wear:
Looking for a change ;)
A typical Muscovite with university degree, multilingual, well-traveled, slightly tired after jet-setting during the last 20 years, and looking forward to settle down somewhere in a nice and quiet European country. NON-SMOKING (which I hope is a plus! ), but without a driving license (which, I guess, is rather a minus in EU). Can be supportive, attentive and caring - for a man who will give me his support and protection in return. P. S. Cooking is not my strong point, but should I have more free time - and that special someone to share my dinner with - I am ready to learn ; )
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 46 - 59
Eye wear:
Все дороги ведут в Рим
Tender, charming lady with higher economic education with the pleasure of поболтает in the language of William Shakespeare.i love to travel, discovering new places, learn about the history and culture of different countries, soaking up their flavor. C tenderness listen to the whisper of sea surf, плаваю gold fish. With love create new culinary specialties and a cosiness in the house. The elected will give tenderness, sensuality and affection.
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 39 - 56
Eye wear:
Adequate people only please
Have come to the point in my life when I understand life is not so long and it’s a good time to open a new chapter in it – to start my own family. I am a kind, sincere, caring, educated, smart girl full of charm who appreciates both simple and finer things in life, is ready for a new challenge when she feels the time is right for it and mostly sees the glass half full. Good portion of laughter or at least a smile makes a day always brighter :). Can be very spontaneous and adventurous in things I do but hardly ever lose common sense so as my wit. I like traveling a lot, both nature and city life, comfort, home cosyness, beauty around, I simply enjoy the life journey and invite you to join me to become a happy-go-lucky couple :).
Standard Member
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Male 33 - 43
Eye wear:
I love art, cinema, travel, painting, nature, Russian North. I make a documentary film - director and cameraman. Im interested in art, cinematography, cinema, traveling, painting, nature, russian north. Im director and cinematographer of documentary films.
Standard Member
Tomsk, Tomsk, Russia
Male 51 - 69
Eye wear:
We live to be happy. Life is good but it's not completely full without you. Well initiated, easy going, optimistic and happy person. True, trying to follow the rules: if you would not like it done to you, do not do it to others. I'm looking for long term relationships. Нет дргуга, нет drama перед. I'm too old for games, too tired to pretend, and too wise for lies. Want to love and be loved. If you are more young than me, please do not wait your time. Танks:
Standard Member
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Male 58 - 70
Eye wear:
Hello! C'est moi!
I believe that there is somewhere a nice, kind man, someone to trust and feel comfortable with, a someone who is looking for friendship and companionship. I belive that we only live once therefore we should stay happy and enjoy our life. I like to travel, visiting exhibitions, reading, movies, different cultures, art and to enjoy smart things in life that wouldn´t make things complicated.
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 35 - 45
Eye wear:
Hello there ;)
Hello, I'm Svetlana, a teacher from Moscow region. I'm not married, but I have a son. I'll be glad to find some penpals, friends or a partner here. If you're looking for some special classy lady, it's not me :) I don't wear fashionable clothes, prefer ordinary food. When I was younger I used to do a lot of sports but now my favorite activity is just lying on the sofa with a good book. I'm also keen on cinematography, theater and art. Please, don't hesitate to contact me, if you're absolutely sure
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 38 - 55
Eye wear:
My femininity is revealed next to your masculinity
I’m on Paris now ❤️ I am airy and very feminine, as others say about me. I have a lot of hobbies: I do my body and soul. I love to cook: you will lick my fingers for my delicious breakfasts! And I always set the table beautifully. Along with beautiful shoes and dresses, I am delighted to receive as a gift or buy beautiful expensive dishes 🥰🧚🏼♀️ - this is my feminine weakness, I have to share this with you) And of course I love to travel! I would like to visit Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Kamchatka, Iceland, Greenland with you - in my dreams I am not shy, be ready to carry out the brightest events with me in our only life! I plan to learn German and French! And yes: I'm single and I don't have kids-) If you respond to my profile - write to me immediately, I will answer. But I am for real communication, I don’t want to waste my time on the Internet, therefore I welcome active men! And, of course, I love to travel and I want to discover new worlds with my man. If you respond to my profile - write to me immediately, I will answer)
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 35 - 65
Eye wear:
PRETTY WOMAN. Please review my profile before
Smart, educated, love life, interesting people, travel. Faithful , loving, if you happy to love . I know how to present myself beautifully in society. I'm interested and not baring. Men of dubious reputation, without photos - do not write to me please. I will never answer you.
Standard Member
Samara, Samara, Russia
Male 45 - 56
Eye wear:
Love of my life. Read my profile please
Chic elegant sexual and gentle with the great taste and exquisite outlook on life, very well educated lady 50+ from a lovely family with an engineering degree and musical degree. I'm always inspired by the beautiful deep music, plunging into a world of relaxations, or fill vitality and love, listening to dance music. I am surrender to the power of the beautiful and mysterious art of theater, dissolving in classical music and beautiful vocals, I feel at this strength and passion, tenderness and depth at the same time. But the biggest inspiration I get dancing under the light orchestra music the passive dance where partners are merged into a single entity, expressing feelings through the body language, especially tango. At this time, I bloom like a beautiful flower orchids. As a creative person by nature, I love and understand art in all its diversity. I like to visit various good places in every country where I feel very comfortable, prefer to walk through the streets of the old European architecture, visit the theater, and comfortably go to church, sit in a cozy cafe, preferred with live music. I love the sea, the sun, the sound of waves, beautiful scenery and thinly feel a beauty of nature, with pleasure immersed in sea or river to affect a true delight during swimming and feeling them protogenic strength and power, merging with nature. At the same time, I can solve any problem in the recesses of the soul as a psychologist and quickly organize any event, meeting or traveling! For every day I prefer yoga, gim, meditation, creating a space of love around, I have my own views to life in each of its configurations, respect for independent thinking every person. I can give you a lot of happy if you'll deserve it... P.S. If you received some message from me by russian it,s mean simple mailing from our site😀
Standard Member
Ryazan', Ryazan', Russia
Male 50 - 72
Eye wear:
Where is my second half?
I am pretty, attractive, sociable, green eyes, slim, well built. I love nature and animals, I love my friends and I like to communicate with them. I also love the outdoors and active life. I like to learn new and see new places, I am curious about the world around me.
Standard Member
Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
Male 37 - 45
Eye wear:
I am a Gemini by horoscope, I can communicate on many topics and like to listen, sometimes I find many things interesting! I dream of traveling together, I really love warm countries, the sea or the ocean, I like learning new and interesting things! Sociable, but not with everyone. I believe that a woman should not work, she should be a beautiful and interesting muse! I am engaged in self-development. When I worked, I visited 15 countries and flew around Russia for 2,5 years, visited various interesting places from Moscow and St.Petersburg till Sakhalin and Kamchatka.
Standard Member
Sochi, Krasnodar, Russia
Male 43 - 63
Eye wear:
I like to stay positive and active
I wish to meet a good person here who will become special to me. I like to read books and fall asleep to the sound of rain. I like to travel and get to know the history, culture, cuisine, architecture of the places I visit. I love varieties spending time in nature, or cooking desserts in the kitchen, or planting new of beautiful roses in the garden. I am a romantic at heart. I have a good sense of humor. I love evening sunsets and morning sunrises. I like to enjoy aromatic freshly brewed coffee in the morning in the kitchen. Every day I like to learn something new, I have a great interest in life. My main love languages are touch (holding hands, hugging, kissing), time spent together, attention and care. I can just as easily put on a high heeled evening dress, a business suit, jeans with the sneakers, or just walk barefoot in the rain. I myself for who I am. My friends say that I am a reliable friend and a good person. There is no perfect person in the world. But each of us exaggerate our life values. For me it is love, family, kindness, mutual understanding, development. I respect actions in a person. It's great when a partner feels his partner in a relationship
Standard Member
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Male 48 - 57
Eye wear:
Hope to meet someone special ...
I am kind, intelligent, friendly, open-minded, confident and outgoing looking for a real man. I have a good education and a job. He should also be kind and with a sense of humor, because without this now it is impossible! He should also be interested in sports and travel. I just want to meet my lovely partner for our happy life in love 👩❤️👨 I am interested in a serious relationship, marriage… if you have other plans do not write to me please.
Standard Member
Samara, Samara, Russia
Male 56 - 70
Eye wear:
Absolute Treasure....;)
Well, I guess if you're like me you are here because the handle intrigued you, or maybe because I took the time to fill out a profile, or maybe because I submitted photos. Whatever the reason, welcome... I actually prefer to communicate than write profiles, but I suppose I had better give some sort of introduction so sit back and relax for a minute and I begin... I am person who is very happy with my life now. I would like someone to share it with and then a family but all good things come to those who are patient! I like me and others seem to like me too... I am often called lovely LOL. I am also often told I have a great sense of humor; I apparently have the ability to make people smile and feel good about them. Not everyone obviously, but it is always nice when it happens! I am very caring, extremely honest person. I love socializing, but like my own space. I am extremely protective of family and friends. I have a child inside me but am serious when needed. I used to exist but now I live. I adore hugging someone I care about. I love romance and special shared moments. I can be incredibly sensitive and sensual! I adore being by the coast (and waterfalls!) I don't have to say "wow" to know something is great! I worship the sun but like to feel rain on my face. I love sunsets, sunrises and a clear night sky. I like healty life and food. I enjoy swimming, walking, music & reading, learn new things, a friendly chat & films, meals out etc. if your still reading, I hope that was not too boring! It was a little boring doing it! LOL I am searching for love, but I am realistic enough to know what love really is. (I forgot to say that above!!) I am happy making friends, if love should come along then I sure won't complain, that's enough, my fingers are getting tired If you are here, present to you ;) the site is closed to my area. So give you way to find me Iamhappywoman “at” a h o.c o m.
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 34 - 49
Eye wear:
I am an ordinary woman(a little old-fashioned))) with an extraordinary passion for life and love.I am totally real and not interested in spam or games. I am a very open and very honest woman, it is important for me that the partner is the same. I have so much love and affection to give, I know we will be very happy together! If you have read it so far, maybe we should talk?
Standard Member
Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia
Male 34 - 52
Eye wear:
Maybe I am looking for you?
Charming lady with higher financial education with excitement immersing in the world of business and marketing. With pleasure I will communicate in cosmopolitan English and melodic Spanish. I’ve felt the taste of life in different countries and cities, from torrid Dubai to frosty Siberia, from Latin America to ancient Europe. Keen on traveling, I am inspired to immerse in the traditions and national characteristics of new countries. I enjoy the lace architecture of ancient cities. With delight I go hiking in the mountains, admiring their grandeur and beauty. I follow the heroes of historical books and films with interest, getting vivid emotions. Easily holding a brush with thin fingers, I create still lives and landscapes. With warmth and tenderness I help animal shelters. The beauty and grace of the figure are honed by Pilates classes. I create cosiness and harmony in the house. Fond of cooking Italian cuisine, filling the house with aromas of piquant herbs. I will give tenderness, care and happiness to the chosen one.
Standard Member
Korolëv, Moskva, Russia
Male 32 - 40
Eye wear:
Pure heart,open mind,sensitive soul,working brain
I DO NOT RESPOND TO ANYONE WHO HAS DEFINITELY NOT READ MY PROFILE. I am not interested in those who have not mastered even basic school skills and show an inability to read and understand texts. Same about those who use standard membership for entertainment and type messages again and again, being warned every time that standard members cannot see your messages. I was born in 1986. I'm not here for entertainment. I know what I want and what I definitely don't want. I check it very easily if you're not that person whom you want to seem. There's no such a weak, fake person who can deal to my specifics with patience and love. That one who can treat me with soft love will not be disappointed, having me as life partner and wife. I am looking for my soulmate. I wasn't created to be a perfect Indian wife for an ordinary Indian guy. I was created to be myself with an Indian male who is able to be himself with all the respect for other people. I like complex people as they are interesting. I'm sure that when two matching people meet each other and create a couple for love and family, they become stronger, they make each other better, they really want to become better for each other, and from both of them they create something third, wonderful and special. I'm never soft with those who don't have even a wish to understand another person with respect and caring for another one's feelings. At first, I treat any person with respect, but after that I treat people the same way they treat me.
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 39 - 52
Eye wear:
A dreamy charming woman .
"A dreamy chirming woman with a higher chemical education. "показание выбрать для версия для версия для версия и I на мерсимера in the sea of marketing with pleasure. With a creative elegance I maneuver in the delicious market of food spices. With pleasure will chat in Italian and practice German. Have the passion for travailing with a small proportion of extreme, find it interesting to get acquisitive with new countries, cultures and national cuisine. Adore walking, driving, and riding a horse. In the gentle sun I like to dive into the sea in the hope of finding the fastest pearl. I dream of jumping with a parachute once again and learn how to conquer the summits of slopes skiing. With a cup of hot cappuccino I know how to smile warily on a rainy day. In the house I create coziness and harmony. With pleasure I bake one of the masterpiece cakes painting patterns on it, repeat serpentine roads, which I speeded on in Spain. I will give to the chosen one happiness, admiration and tenderness!"
Standard Member
Samara, Samara, Russia
Male 44 - 57
Eye wear:
Give yourself a chance!
I am sensitive person and intolerant of injustice, I’m out of any religions and sects, I do not like empty conversations, but I love meaningful dialogues and sharp mind of the interlocutor. Not devoid of romance, in my world no cruelty to animals, i respect nature and admire it. I do not eat meat and dairy products , but I like to cook tasty and healthy food and cakes.i prefer active lifestyle and i open to new experiences.
Standard Member
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russia
Male 49 - 60
Eye wear:
I believe in love ..
I love life , people , nature. I live an active life. I travel a lot, visited more than 30 countries of the world. I AM romantic , gentle , caring . Active position in life. I do sports, running, swimming, mountain skiing. I prefer healthy eating .
Standard Member
Sochi, Krasnodar, Russia
Male 26 - 40
Eye wear:
Catch me if you can ❤️
I can be shy at first but once you get to know me you'll see I'm just a nice person with laid back who cheers the little things in life. I can talk on a variety of subjects, and enjoy smart conversations that are full of interesting topics
Standard Member
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Male 35 - 50
Eye wear:
Serious relationship only or friends
Write me in English, please because I won't use translator to translate your message from another language) as I can see no one reads my profile, just looks at my photos, no one is ready for real dates. I can't read your messages guys, if you are interested in me, please, try to show it and update your status to write me or find me on i.n.S.t.a, photo in red will help you to find me, I am here not for 'likes', i am here to find real people who are intested in real data. Actually it looks like people love to waste their time here, there are millions single people on the planet but no one is ready to change it)))) this site reminds me about job sites, you are looking for someone long time, you start to chat with someone, you are interview in someone but in a few days someone just will divorce😂😂 for no reason, maybe someone is not single, maybe someone is not serious, even if he writes about that, the same like the interview when you are looking for a job, you search for a job, you are interview in job, you invited for interview, everyone is interview in you but in a few days you someone else invited for this job))))) I think people have to be more open about what they are looking for here)))))) about my qualifications-Loyal, funny, educated, love to travel, do photography and meet new friends, watchmaking movies, playing in bowling, nature, animals, i have a great sense of humor)))) i am a kind person with a good heart, will be happy to meet new friends ;) easygoing, open minded, can talk about everything, any relationship starts from friendship, so I prefer to know more about person. When I first registered here I was cheering how it works but since then I think its impossible to find someone here, even as a friend)))) people here are just spending time for chat, I am not interacted in it, really, I love to chat too but I think this site is not for it, we have too many apps for chat)))) I am serious about find the one and only partner, I am not looking for sex, money or dirty chat by camera, want to find my real love, destiny, soul mate, not playing in games, miss small things like cuddling, holding the hands, I believe in love and hope I will find it, probably the love of my life stuck somewhere or maybe he is moving slowly in traffic))) if you have a question about me just ask and it will be the beginning of our conversation at last))) we love the books not because of the cover but because of book's contents, so the same with people you can be beautiful outside but ugly inside and to it you have to talk to find everything out, I am not fake, my pictures are new and I am real 100%)))) want to add something here I am not intersted in any fetish, so please dont write me about it, if you want to talk to me or ask something about me will be glad to see you on insta marypreneighty, just change it to numbers, what's the point to sit on this site years and dont do any effort to find someone, some people change the names and age but leave the same pictures it's funny to see, some people write no scammers but follow to the young girls, where is a logic?)))) , I think if you want to find something serious you have to be serious and mature enough before)))))) men are keeping wonder here about fake profiles of the girls but I found too many fake profiles of the guys, sorry guys if you feel I am angry bird because that's not the truth, I like to be honest about serious things))) and if you want to have a full imagination about me just write me) don't 'like' my profile just write me, I am here for real chat, real date, real relationship or friendship
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 57 - 88
Eye wear:
Looking for my the best man in the world!
I dream of living by the sea. I am a very positive and optimistic person with good sense of humor , cherful, kind and caring lady. I believe in family values and I would like to build a happy relationship. I enable traveling seeing new cultures cooking spending time in nature with family and friends creating a cozy home. I am easy going and fun .
Standard Member
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Male 40 - 65
Eye wear:
Think positively and be yourself!
I think that to know oneself is the main task of a person. If you know yourself, you will know the world. It's so exciting to explore each other. It is also important for me that my man develops spiritually. I love conversations on deep topics and learning new things. I like to take care of myself, my health, my body, to be slim, beautiful and feminine and to dress beautifully, especially in dresses. A calm mind means good health and happiness. I love meditation. A healthy and strong relationship can only be built by two psychologically mature people
Standard Member
Sochi, Krasnodar, Russia
Male 54 - 70
Eye wear:
Only dead fish swims in the direction on the flow
mischievous...but serious in serious things ... no matter how difficult the situation is, I will always find a positive I love nature and everything natural, swim in the sea all year round, I love the sauna with a broom I have a garden with fruit trees. I like to keep myself in good shape and clean.
Standard Member
Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk, Russia
Male 57 - 75
Eye wear:
High quality!Made in Russia! :)
I am very sensual. I have a good heart. I have strong morals and beliefs. I love life and enjoy it. I miss only my soulmate to present my unspecific tenderness and love to and share the rest of my life with. I do not want to play internet games here and will answer all serious letters.
Standard Member
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russia
Male 55 - 66
Eye wear:
You search 4 me too I know. NOT under 50 please!!
Hi, welcome to my "essay" :). Elena, just a little strong woman full of life looking for reliable partner, for one to love and take care of, to feel secure and comfortable for both in our future relationships. And spend together the best years of our life. About me - dynamic, fresh, sensual, intelligent, humorous, spontaneous, playful, down-to-earth, honest, fun girl. I absolutely prefer love to confrontation. I was always keen on keeping fit (would appreciate a company for lifting weights in gym 2gether :)); and look after myself, and respect people with the same ‘vice’ :). Naturally looking - I love good perfume and absolute minimum of make-up sorry :). Water is my element - I like swimming, diving; enjoy playing table tennis, cycling, outdoors, live concerts, music (reggae, hard rock, good old rock…much to list), reading, knitting, sewing, nature, going out, shopping too :). A city dweller. My friends say I am smart, joyful person and a good friend. Mature woman... becomes kind of "universal soldier" who have gained a lot of skills or knowledge during her life... so she can be a regular housewiife, your psychotherapist and the masseur if needed; a nice company for going out, traveling, camping or bbq, or making home renovation. That's what I think.. I am retired and work as a translator.
Standard Member
Moscow City, Moskva, Russia
Male 58 - 65
Eye wear:
Hello ! Please, read my profile
To describe oneself seriously in several phrases is not very easy... The photo shows that I'm attractive, I know that I'm smart enough ... I have a good non-conflicting character ..... I like to travel - I like New experiences and emotions ... I appreciate what I have in my life - my work, my home ... But I, like most people, need love, care and affection. So I'm here - I hope to meet that man with whom I can share my life
Standard Member
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russia
Male 65 - 75
Eye wear:
We must live, we must love, we must believe
A mature woman with a positive outlook on life. Sociable, reliable in friendship and love, with a good sense of humor. I love nature, travel, hiking, sports and good mood. I appreciate home comfort and relaxation. I like to take care of people close to me. I am pleased to do good and see happy faces.
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